Friday, August 3, 2007

I DID IT!!!!!!!

Ok, I know it is not much of a feat for most people, but I feel like I have really accomplised something.
I finally got the picture to post where I wanted it. Yay me!

I am having a garage sale this weekend and my friend Amanda is doing it with me and for some reason I just can't seem to get it all together.
Hopefull some of her OCD will rub off on me. For those of you that know her know she is quite open about this disorder. (hey, isn't that like an oxymoron or something considering this condition causes someone to be obsessed about order?)
I am having the hardest time trying to organize this thing and get stuff done.

I would love to be able to get rid of everything we don't use or need and simplify things.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Brandi Wilson said...

I hope your garage sale is a success!
You should have a lot of fun with Amanda.
I hope you sell lots of junk!

Lydianna Bradford said...

I had a garage sale in the spring. IT was great. I started off with about 20 boxes of junk, ended with 10. Then a friend I've made here said she was having a garage sale to make some money because she had a brain tumor and cannot work so I gave it all to her. I do not miss any of it at all!! I hope you get rid of all your "junk" and have fun while you are at it!

Lydianna Bradford said...

Okay, I just realized it is over need to update how it went ;-)